- Czech Institute of Internal Auditors (hereinafter also ČIIA) is a non-profit organization of internal auditors with the aim of support and enforcement of internal audit development in the Czech Republic.
- Internal audit in the Czech Republic is relatively a young profession which has developed into this modern perception in the mid nineties of last century. Significant development of the internal audit profession was due to the Act No. 320/2001 Coll. Act on financial control in public administration which delimitated the scope of internal audit in public administration.
- Internal audit is focusing on assessment of internal control system in the organization by providing information, evaluations, analyses, recommendation and consultations to the bodies of the organization and its top management in order to enable them effective fulfillment of their duties. Along with the latest trends in the world of internal audit, it provides assurance that the company is aware of risks to which it is exposed and manages them.
- Czech institute of internal auditors (further just ČIIA) is a registered association of internal auditors with the aim of support and enforcement of internal audit development in the Czech Republic.
- ČIIA is a national institute of the international institute IIA / The Institute of Internal Auditors Inc., established in USA in 1941 and which represents today more than 150 000 members in more than 165 countries.
- ČIIA was accepted as a member of ECIIA (European Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditing), which includes countries within the wider European economic area. This includes all of the EU, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia and the Mediterranean Basin. ECIIA started its activity in 1982 and today it consists of 32 countries.
- Czech institute of internal auditors was established in March 1995. It has about 1000 members. Its supreme body is General Assembly which meets annually. The daily activites ČIIA are conducted by the ČIIA office and they are governed by the Board of the Institute and its President, in total 9 members. The activities of institute are supervised by Board of Supervisors, which has three members.
- Brings together people working in the field of internal audit and neighboring professions
- Provides information about the development of internal audit in the Czech Republic and abroad and helps to coordinate a common approach in learning and solving problems of this profession.
- Provides consultations as a professional help in individual areas of internal audit.
- Publishes materials necessary for gaining and broadening knowledge about internal audit function
- Organizes different forms of educational seminars
- Advocates the internal audit profession
- Initiates and supports negotiations and activities aimed at broadening of internal audit practice to further companies in the Czech Republic
- Publishes membership quarterly magazine Internal Auditor
- Broad range of educational courses and seminars (favored price for members), focused on the questions of establishing and running of internal audit departments and increasing of internal auditors’ know how.
- Regular information for members about ČIIA activities and about recent topics of internal audit in the "INTERNAL AUDITOR" magazine
- Free admission for members to the ČIIA library, which contains about 470 mainly foreign publications and books about internal audit
- Coordination of meetings of internal auditors from the Czech Republic and mutual exchange of information and experiences at regular internal auditors forums, club evenings and conferences (national and international)
- Provision of contacts to well known foreign professionals of internal audit
- Publishing of translated version of International Internal Audit Standards and Professional Practices Framework and other original and translated materials.
- Provision of the possibility to take international certification in internal audit – the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) in Czech and helps with taking other examinations (CGAP, CCSA, CFSA)
- Possibility of delegation of selected internal auditors from the Czech Republic to working bodies of international institutions in internal audit.
- First of all, whenever you want to join ČIIA, register yourself. The more members we will have, the more common and individual successes we can reach
- Work actively in individual expert committees, editorial board of the magazine and Internet and in other working groups
- Participate in activities of the Institute, especially help when organizing educational activities, lecture at seminars or courses, conferences, club evenings, platforms for internal auditors
- Transfer your experiences, present your opinions and professional knowledge in the magazine published by ČIIA – Internal Auditor
- Any physical or legal person who wants to participate on development, expansion and improvement of internal audit, can become member of the Institute
- For the purpose of execution of its rights and duties, each legal entity nominates one or more physical persons usually from its employees, each of these persons will have the same status as individual member
- Except for regular members from the internal audit profession representatives from related professions and universities could participate as associated members
- In justified occasions ČIIA could accept members of honor who participate on support of internal audit profession in the Czech Republic
- Acceptance of new members is based on written application – application forms addressed to the ČIIA Office or through on-line form. These application forms are handed over to the Board of the Institute for discussion and acceptance.
Membership in ČIIA is conditioned by:
- Adherence to the Code of Ethics and Standards for the professional practice of internal auditing
- Payment of the membership fees timely in the set amount
- Adherence to the Articles and other internal rules approved and issued by the Institute bodies
Members have these rights:
- To attend the General Assembly, comment all discussed issues and vote
- To be elected to the bodies of the Institute
Czech Institute of Internal auditors is located at this address:
Karlovo náměstí 3/319
120 00 Praha 2
Phone number: 224 920 332
Fax: 224 919 361
E-mail: ciia@interniaudit.cz
Internet: www.interniaudit.cz/en