About us
What we do to fullfill our mission
- Bring together professionals working in the field of internal audit and related fields.
- Provide information about current issues of internal audit in the Czech Republic and abroad and help to coordinate a common approach in finding and overcoming challenges of this profession
- Provide consultations as a professional support in different areas of internal audit.
- Publish materials aimed at comprehensive understanding of internal audit and its function.
- Organize various educational activities.
- Advocate and promote the value internal audit professionals add to their organizations.
- Initiate and support negotiations and activities aimed at supporting the role of internal auditing in the Czech Republic.
- Publish the Internal Auditor magazine quarterly.
Our services
- Broad range of educational opportunities (advantaged pricing for members), focused on the questions of establishing, functioning and progress of internal audit departments and increasing professional development and know how.
- Regularly inform members about current issues in internal audit and IIA Czech activities through various channels (Internal Auditor magazine, newsletter, social media).
- Free access for members to the IIA Czech library, which contains about 570 publications on internal audit.
- Regular meetings of internal auditors from the whole Czech Republic (and Slovakia) and opportunity for mutual exchange of information and experiences at regular internal auditors’ forums and conferences (national and international).
- Mediation and opportunity to link with foreign professionals of internal audit.
- We publish both original and translated professional publications including Global Standards and professional practices framework.
- Administrative support while achieving international certification in internal audit – the Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) other IIA certifications.
- System of attestation for internal auditors in public sector, based on acknowledging the level of proficiency according to experience and continuous development.
- Nomination of distinguished interested individuals from the Czech Republic to bodies of international institutions in the field of internal audit.
How can you get involved
- First of all, if you want to join any IIA Czech activities, apply for membership. The more members we will have, the more common and individual success we can reach!
- Become a active member of our expert committees, editorial board of the magazine and other working groups.
- Participate in activities of the Institute, especially in educational activities, lecturing seminars or becoming a speaker at meetings and forums for internal auditors.
- Share your knowledge and experience, present your opinions and professional insight in the Internal Auditor magazin.
Who can become a member of IIA Czech
- Any natural or legal person who wants to participate on development, expansion and improvement of internal audit.
- For the purpose of executing the members' rights and duties, legal person nominates one or more representatives. Each of these representatives will have the same member's rights and duties as natural person.
- Except for members from the internal audit profession, representatives from related professions and universities can participate as associated members.
- In justified occasions IIA Czech can name members of honor who participate on support of internal audit profession in the Czech Republic.
- Acceptance of new members is based on written application. These applications are handed over to the Board of the Institute for approval.
Rights and obligations of members
Membership in The IIA Czech is conditioned by:
- Adherence to the Code of Ethics and Standards for the professional practice of internal auditing.
- Paying the membership fees timely in the set amount.
- Adherence to the Articles and other internal rules approved and issued by the Institute bodies.
Members have rights to:
- Attend the General Assembly, comment on all discussed issues and vote.
- Be nominated and elected to the bodies of the Institute.