Anti Fraud Management – The Power of Perception of Detection
26.2.2025 - 26.2.2025
variabilní symbol: AJ2501
Anti-fraud measures often address restricted target groups within an organization. This may be because the risk of fraud is very narrowly defined, or because discussing fraud openly it not considered desirable. When fraud has happened, hindsight bias kicks in and often it is discovered that the fraud, especially in complex cases, could have been prevented if a lot more departments had been better aware about the potential risks that concern their activities, and hence the possible measures to prevent the fraud. Here is where perception of detection kicks in - the risk of fraud is brought to the front-end, instead of just focusing on repairing what´s broken. The more fraud is perceived as a risk that concerns an entire organization, the better can measures to prevent fraud be integrated in all organizational processes across the three lines of defense, and the more openly can the risk be addressed. Fraudsters run their harmful activities covertly - but chances for fraudsters to find a place to hide diminish with each additional person that is openly made aware of the risk. Such a "front-end" concept is even more effective when the governing body promotes good governance and a healthy culture as key drivers for perception and detection of fraud. This presentation advocates the de-mystification of fraud by integrating the concept of perception of detection of fraud in the entire organization.
09:00 - 10:30
Ursula Schmidt
Ursula Schmidt

Ursula Schmidt is former Executive Vice President Audit & Compliance at RTL Group, having led the Internal Audit and Compliance practice for 15+ years. Together with her team, she investigated compliance cases and ran a multitude of audit projects worldwide. She also served as Secretary to the group´s Audit Committee. Previously, Ursula held senior positions in strategy and controlling at RTL Group and served as chairman of the audit committee of Channel Five in the UK. After having helped operations in 30+ countries set up compliance frameworks, internal controls, and anti-fraud processes, Ursula set up her own company to share her broad experience in Internal Audit and Compliance on a wider scale.
Ursula is Board member of IIA Luxembourg and serves as an independent non-executive director on several boards in Luxembourg. She is a regular conference speaker and webinar host on all things internal audit and compliance and publishes extensively, on LinkedIn and other media.
Her continuous engagement in the field of Internal Audit was recognized in 2024 by Richard Chambers, former President and CEO of the Global Institute of Internal Auditors, with the prestigious “Internal Audit Beacon Award”. Already earlier in 2023, Richard Chambers acknowledged her as one of the “top leaders in the profession to follow in 2023”.
Ursula holds a PhD in Economics, is a Certified Compliance & Ethics Professional – International (CCEP-I.) with the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE), and is a Certified Director and Certified Financial Expert at Deutsche Börse. She speaks German, French, English and Dutch.
Cena semináře
Cena člen (webinář): 1 450,- Kč bez DPH (1 755,- Kč s DPH)
Cena nečlen (webinář): 1 950,- Kč bez DPH (2 360,- Kč s DPH)